Alex is our fluffy white monster cat. He maintains his playful attitude as if he was still a kitten, which not all of our cats appreciate! However, you can often find him snuggling with some of our younger cats.

GIZMO - MARCH 13 2014

Gizmo is a very laid back cat who loves to snuggle. Yes, even with a tissue box. He was adopted from a humane society with pretty severe feline herpes and upper respiratory infections, and weighed a mere 1lb 4oz at 12 weeks old! He has since turned into our tallest cat.


Bubbles showed up on our doorstep in Florida shortly after we moved in, and asserted that she had lived there all along. After tracing her microchip back to an Ocala shelter and multiple phone calls to the registered owner that went unanswered, she became a permanent part of our household. She is an easy going cat, and loves belly rubs as much as a dog does.

LADYBUG - MAY 13 2015

Ladybug is a funny cat, despite being hand raised as a bottle baby, she is very skittish. Early on she had several rectal prolapses that required serial purse string repairs, that finally resolved when she was about 12 weeks old. She is a very active cat, and loves to play with Penelope. She is very hard to get pictures of, as she usually bolts when you hold a phone or camera over her. Below she is pictured cuddling with Gizmo and Bubbles.

LUCI - AUGUST 13 2015

Luci is our miracle cat. When she came into a clinic I worked at in Florida after her mother was killed by a stray dog, I immediately fell in love with her. She was half a pound, had her eyes matted shut, was coated in fleas, and wobbled. Though we cleared up her eyes and rid her of the fleas, her wobble remained. She has cerebellar hypoplasia, meaning part of her brain controlling balance and motor function underdeveloped in-utero. This was likely due to her mother contracting feline distemper or another viral disease while she was pregnant that could cause a high fever, leading to abnormal fetal development. Unfortunately, her congenital problems go beyond just wobbling. She also did not develop half of her uro-genital tract, which we discovered when she was being spayed. She has a remnant of an ovary that has yet to be found as she still goes into heat, but otherwise lacks her kidney, adrenal gland, and uterine horn on her left side. Additionally, her right kidney is compromised due to polycystic kidney disease and renal dysplasia, leaving her in chronic renal failure from very early on. Thankfully, we have her disease under control via medications and a special diet and her renal values have been decreasing and stable since this discovery when she was 6 months old.


Penelope is one of our sassiest cats. She’s pretty and she knows it! She will often look at you with her striking green eyes, and you can see the wheels turning, trying to figure out how to get what she wants next. She is not usually a snuggley cat, but if you bring out plush blanket she will be all over you for it.

KHAN - MARCH 13 2016

Khan is our largest cat, and lean at approximately 15lbs. He is the cuddliest cat, and I believe was a dog in a past life. He comes when called, even if it isn’t his name you called. His major downside is that he loves to suck on and eat fabric. This has already caused him one foreign body and ruined countless toys, towels, socks, and blankets. Still, he is a lovebug and one of the best cats we own.

HOBBES - MARCH 13 2017

Hobbes is our youngest cat, and came to us after being found in an engine twice as a young kitten. He is a very playful cat, and loves paling around with Khan, Alex, and Gizmo. He is a striking cat, with beautiful amber eyes to match his long orange tabby coat.


Sammie came to us after being shot with a .22 in his right rear leg. Unfortunately, his leg could not be saved and had to be amputated. However, he’s getting around just fine without it! He is fitting in well with everyone despite being a middle aged kitty and he loves to cuddle with us.

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach - June 1 2023

This trio showed up from a feral stray cat in our barn. We managed to catch the kittens she left us but could not catch her. These three have adjusted well to living indoors and are having the best time of their lives bonding with the rest of our feline crew.